made in Germany
Quick and easy detection of boric acid and borates. It is impregnated with curcumin, the yellow dye extracted from the roots of Curcuma tinctoria (yellow ginger). The paper is dipped into the sample containing hydrochloric acid (pH 1-2). Afterwards it is allowed to dry. In presence of borate the paper turns orange to red. Dipping into conc. sodium hydroxide causes a green-black color. In the absence of borate, sodium hydroxide leads to a brown-red color.
Specification :
kapasitas : 200 test strips 20 x 70 mm
Reaksi warna : kuning -> hijau kehitaman
Batas sensivitas : 20 mg/l boron ( 100 mg/L).
PT Octa Prima Lestari
Rukan Mitra matraman Blok B-12 , Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Jakarta 13150
Tlp : 85918154 - 85918155 - 8512595 - 85902391
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